On Oct. 12, the Henry Cluster STEMM Foundation is sponsoring a workshop for all students interested in learning what some of our community colleges can offer in the way of resources and paths to degrees in a variety of subjects. The event is being held at the San Carlos Library 6–7 p.m. with the cooperation and support of David Ege, the branch manager of the library. The event will be held in the library parking lot and chairs will be provided.
Meet Outreach Ambassadors from Grossmont College and Mesa College and learn how to enroll in college classes and start earning credits toward your degree for free. Find out what academic social, leadership, and career opportunities the Grossmont-Cuyamaca and the San Diego Community College Districts offer to their students.
Representatives from each school will give short presentations and answer audience questions. This event will be held outdoors, so be sure to bring a sweater. Reservations are not required.
Mission Trails Robotics community
Robotics teams for schools and neighborhood teams will be starting up shortly. The Henry Cluster STEMM Foundation has a new committee: The Mission Trails Robotics Community (MTRC). It is made up of coaches from local school and community FIRST robotics teams. First Lego League and First Technical Challenge coaches share season information, mentor new teams, and connect students on different teams to each other.
If you are interested in starting a FIRST Lego League or a FIRST Tech Challenge team at your school or in your neighborhood, visit the FIRST website at to learn more. Email the HCSTEMM Foundation at [email protected] for more information about MTRC. connect new coaches to established teams for information and advice.
The Henry Cluster STEMM Foundation is hosting a robotics fundraiser on Wednesday, Nov. 10, 4–8 p.m. at Rubio’s on 10460 Friar’s Road. If you order online or through the app, enter the promo code “Donate” at checkout so that your purchase will be credited to the fundraiser. Download a copy of the fundraiser flyer from the HCSTEMM website.
Henry Cluster STEMM Foundation has an Amazon Smile charitable donation account. If you click on the Amazon Smile link before shopping on Amazon, then HCSTEMM will receive a percentage of the proceeds. Or you can go to your Amazon Account Settings and select the Henry Cluster STEMM Foundation as your current charity, so every purchase you make will be count towards Amazon’s donation to us!
Contact us at [email protected] and our website is – Follow us at or
— Jay Wilson writes on behalf of the Henry Cluster STEMM Foundaiton.