Mini Golf Challenge: The Henry Cluster STEMM Foundation will be hosting the fifth Mini Golf Challenge on Saturday, April 18, from 10 a.m.–1 p.m., at the Mission Trails Church located at 4880 Zion Ave. Student K-12 teams of four to six students are welcome from local schools or organizations to compete. The reigning champions are from Hearst Elementary and they will be attempting to repeat as champions and take home the new trophy.
Each team is to design and build a mini golf hole that reflects this year’s theme of “Earth Day.” Bring it to the mini golf course on the day of the event. During the Mini Golf Challenge, team members will interact with attendees (the golfers) to share what it was like working as a team, how they came up with their ideas, new knowledge they’ve acquired during the process and other aspects of their experience. Event attendees will vote on the favorite hole and the winning team will bring back to their school the much-coveted Henry Cluster STEMM Foundation Mini Golf Challenge Trophy for display.
Teams range in size from two to six students. We encourage them to be co-ed. Teams work with an adult mentor volunteer (a teacher or parent/guardian), design and build the hole, set up and take down the hole at the Mission Trails Church, and prepare submission materials. Detailed registration packets will be distributed to adult team mentors and will also be available for download. For more information, visit hcstemm.org.
Robotics Showcase Extravaganza: Once again, the HC STEMM Foundation is partnering with the San Carlos Library and the Friends of the San Carlos Library for the annual Robotics Showcase Extravaganza on Saturday, Feb. 22, from 11 a.m to 1 p.m., at the San Carlos Library. There will be robotics displays and demonstrations from a number of elementary, middle and high schools from our community including a booth from San Diego State University. For more information, go to the sancarlosfriendsofthelibrary.org.
— Jay Wilson writes on behalf of the Henry Cluster STEMM Foundation.