The Special District Leadership Foundation announced recently that Helix Water District is the recipient of the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence in recognition of the district’s outstanding efforts to promote transparency and good governance. The district has consistently received this award since 2015.
“This award demonstrates the commitment of our board and staff to open government and accountability to the people and communities we serve,” said Helix General Manager Carlos Lugo. “We are very proud of what we have done to empower the public and facilitate engagement with our customers.”
To receive the award, Helix Water District had to meet the SDLF requirements for essential governance transparency, including conducting ethics training for all board members, properly holding open public meetings, and filing financial transactions and compensation reports with the state controller in a timely manner.
The SDLF award is the second transparency award the district has received in just one week. On July 22, Helix received a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association for its easy-to-read budget document for fiscal year 2022-23.
SDLF is an independent, non-profit organization that promotes good governance and best practices among California’s special districts through certification, accreditation, and other recognition programs.
Helix Water District treats and delivers water to 277,000 people in La Mesa, El Cajon, Lemon Grove and parts of Spring Valley, Lakeside and unincorporated San Diego County.