We are over a month into the new school year and wanted to check in with some announcements. Remember that the announcements section of our homepage on our website is updated daily with important information so be sure to check that.
Since the school year started, we’ve hosted our Back To School Night, Parent Shadow Day & Homecoming game and events. After taking a break from these popular events during COVID, our parents and students showed up in record numbers. Our Homecoming pep rally was televised on KUSI and footage can be found on the homepage of our website (linked in the picture slideshow).
Parent Information:
We have a new school Instagram account (HelixCharterOfficial) that is covering all the major events on campus. Follow it here to stay in the know. We also have two new helpful pages on our website – a Community page that connects students with community service opportunities and a Volunteer page that connects parents with volunteer opportunities.
National Blue Ribbon School Award:
We are so proud to announce that Helix Charter High School has been designated an Exemplary High Performing National Blue Ribbon School for 2022 by U. S. Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona. Helix is one of 297 schools in the nation and one of four high schools in California to be recognized this year. Find more information about this accomplishment here.
Attendance Challenge:
We are running an Attendance Challenge for the ‘22-’23 School Year. At the end of the academic school year, students with perfect attendance (no absences) for the entire year will be invited to participate in a special recognition ceremony in June at SeaWorld San Diego. More information can be found in the announcement section on our website.
Upcoming Events:
Family First Thursday Info Nights:
- Every Thursday night at 6 p.m., we cover a wide variety of topics that parents and students may find helpful. You can view the schedule here. Save the date on Thursday, Oct. 27 for a special community forum to review our WASC (Western Association of School and Colleges) accreditation priorities. All community members are encouraged to attend! We are looking for input to help us determine the main priorities we’ll focus on as a school for the next few years.
College & Career Center:
- We have a lot of great colleges visiting throughout the month of October. You can find a schedule here or on the homepage of our website in our layered school calendar. Stay updated with them on their Instagram page here.
- Helix Highlander Cup Field Hockey Tournament – Oct. 14, 15, 21 & 22
- CIF Playoffs will start in late October. Check the athletics calendar on the Helix website homepage for detailed information.
Performing Arts:
- Almost Maine will run Oct. 12-15, 21-22, and 28-29 in the Black Box theater. All shows will be at 7 pm. Almost Maine is a whimsical, “magical realism” look at love and loss told through a series of vignettes set in the mythical town of Almost, Maine. Mr. Osborn has described the show as “if The Twilight Zone was a romantic-comedy.”
- Dancelab 2022 – Dancelab is a community dance performance hosted by the Helix Dance Program at Helix Charter High School in late October. Helix Dance invites dance programs from all over San Diego to perform with them on their stage. This performance features all styles of dance. Tickets will be on sale soon at www.helixdancers.com.
Editor’s note: This article was provided by Lauren Knuth, community relations & engagement coordinator at Helix Charter High School.