I guess it is good that the The Beacon gives editorial time to commercial interests that are involved in the healthcare debate. After all, we wouldn’t want to be unfair to the healthcare insurance industries whose lobbyists (estimates are five to seven per Congressman) are struggling to be heard. Really, did we need to be told that Ms. Trautwein, CEO of the NAHU (Guest editorial ” With employer mandate, feds mandate job losses,” Nov. 12 Beacon, page 6) is against reform? I work for a small manufacturing company in Point Loma, established in 1982. Our business is suffering the effects of this bad economy much like other businesses. The owner is still able to make healthcare insurance available to our six employees. It isn’t cheap, and we pay half of the cost of the premiums. When we renewed our contract with Aetna on Aug. 1, our policies went up a staggering 27 percent! In order to be able to continue coverage, we raised our deductibles and co-pays. But I fear that we have hit our spending limit as a company and as individuals. The owner of this business is completely in support of President Obama’s push for healthcare reform. He has done the math, and he feels we will benefit as individuals and as a company. Don’t buy into the scare tactics of those who profit by forcing us into a corner — especially about our health. Search out the facts, not the soundbites. This is important! Health insurance should be a right, not a privilege!