As you know, gun violence is an epidemic that continues to plague our country, and the Navajo community sadly has not been spared. The fact is this: We have too many firearms in circulation, and this leads to needless gun injuries and deaths.
In an effort to combat the over-proliferation of firearms in our communities, I am teaming up with a few of my Council colleagues and the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) to host a voluntary “Guns for Gift Cards” exchange. On Sept. 25, Al residents are encouraged to bring any unwanted firearms to 4020 Murphy Canyon Road between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. to surrender them in exchange for compensation in the form of a $100 or $200 gift card. The reward is $100 for a functional hand gun and $200 for a functional long gun (rifle or shotgun). This is a no-questions-asked event, meaning those surrendering firearms will not be asked to identify themselves or face any scrutiny for the firearms they surrender; they will simply be compensated and thanked. Additional information including day-of arrival instructions will be forthcoming.
I am very appreciative of two Del Cerro residents who recently let my Del Cerro representative, Jared Miller-Sclar, know of a particularly egregious pothole on a residential street in the Del Cerro community. Jared was able to promptly report this pothole with the photographs provided by the residents to the city’s Streets Division, and he remained in contact with them as they scheduled and completed the repair. I was pleased to see that this repair happened ahead of the city’s anticipated schedule for such a project and the matter has been fully resolved.
While I am never happy to see potholes, my team and I are always happy to spring into action to try to get them fixed. I appreciate the residents who serve as our eyes and ears out in the communities to provide us with the information we need to generate a report and then diligently follow up on those reports with City Staff.
This month, my office had another important interaction with a resident and a city department, the Public Utilities Department (PUD). A resident correctly noted that his water bill was higher than normal despite maintaining a similar level of use. Upon letting my office know and us requesting a PUD investigation, PUD expeditiously determined that the meter had been misread, and issued the resident a new bill for the correct, lower amount.
If you believe you are getting an inaccurately high water bill despite not changing your consumption habits, please contact my office so we can get to the bottom of it.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office at RaulCampillo@SanDiego.gov or by calling 619-236-6677.
— Raul Campillo represents District 7 on the San Diego City Council.