What an amazing turnout at our candidate forum this month.
The Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon were joined by well over 100 voters who came out to meet their Republican candidates. Our forum featured candidates such as Amy Reichert (San Diego County Board of Supervisors, District 4), Laura Lothian (La Mesa City Council), Tony Orlando (La Mesa City Council), Jordan Marks (San Diego Clerk/Recorder/Assessor), Stan Caplan (U.S. House of Representatives, 51st District), Eric Gonzales (California State Assembly 78th District), Corbin Sabol (California State Assembly 79th District), Becca Williams (San Diego Unified School Board Trustee, Area C), Jose Velazquez (San Diego Unified School Board Trustee, Area B), and more.
It is invaluable to learn about the core character and integrity of the candidates. Attendees were excited to meet and greet with these candidates and make informed decisions about who to vote for.
Don’t forget to get your ballot in by June 7. If you haven’t registered to vote yet, it’s not too late. Register before May 23, or check your existing voter registration at sdvote.com.
We will be resuming our normal monthly luncheon schedule in June. We are excited to welcome Scott Walsh from Judicial Watch. He joined Judicial Watch in May 2019 as the regional development manager/major gift officer for the Western United States. In his eclectic career Walsh has done many things, from sports writing to public relations and corporate communications, including 10 years in the golf industry—he has even had the honor of serving on three White House advance teams.
Join us June 14 at the Legacy Resort Hotel & Spa. For more details, and to sign up for our luncheon, visit: rwcnavajocanyon.org.
– Wendy Hauffen writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon.