“I walked a quarter mile in one hour and 15 minutes yesterday. A year and a half ago I could only walk 100 yards in that time,” said 23-year-old Will Barton in March.
When Point Loma High School alum Barton was shot three times, including once in the head, by a fugitive in 2012, no one expected him to survive. Doctors gave him less than a 1 percent chance to live at all. Today, Will’s cognitive and physical accomplishments have stumped medical professionals, and inspired family members, friends and loved ones. After being injured, Barton remained in the hospital and assisted living facilities for months, where he relearned to eat, talk, sit up, stand up, and walk. While he continues to rely on a wheelchair most of the time and needs around-the-clock care, focusing on his accomplishments and abilities, and not on what he can’t yet do, is a vital strategy for him. “When Will walked that quarter mile down the pier, it was a record-breaking day and people were cheering for him all the way,” said his mom Marie Najera-Lonsdale. “Recognizing these milestones and seeing the support from others energizes him to keep going.” For Barton, who is coming into his adulthood in the wake of a violent and life-changing injury, these milestones wouldn’t be possible without the support of the community. The annual cost of care for his equipment, caregivers, therapists, teachers and life coaches runs in the tens of thousands of dollars annually (over what insurance and government aide covers). The Peninsula Beacon has shared Barton’s story with a caring and generous community that has stepped up to make several previous fundraisers into big successes. Another opportunity to help Barton and his family is coming up. On Saturday, May 28, the Strong Will Golf Tournament will be held to raise funds for his annual cost of care. The event will be held at the Salt Creek Golf Club in Chula Vista, and includes greens fees and cart, balls, lunch, an opportunity drawing and more. “Golfers and aspiring golfers should come and join me for the tournament,” said Barton. “I want to say ‘Hi,’ and shake your hand, and tell you thank you for all of the support. I have felt it every step of the way and it means everything to me.” To sign up as a golfer or sponsor, go to www.birdeasepro.com/StrongWill