A total of 259 cap-and-gown clad seniors, the Class of 2022 at Mission Bay High School, received their diplomas in a commencement ceremony at the high school’s stadium on June 14.
“Today marks the end of a chapter, and the beginning of a new one,” noted senior co-class president Macy Wang, an aspiring writer. “The beginning of the story has already been written, and now it is time to write the rest, as we enter the real world and begin figuring out who we are outside of this high school existence.
“We lived through a global pandemic. We sailed through our entire freshman year, only for the school to shut down in the middle of our sophomore year. Confusion and chaos reigned through our lives as we juggled the effects of COVID on our personal and academic lives.”
Added Wang: “Junior year held a myriad of unusual circumstances – countless Zoom meetings, hybrid distance learning. These challenges we faced together have given us so many unique experiences that have allowed us to grow as students and individuals. I’m proud of every one of us for overcoming every obstacle set in our path. I’m so excited to see where life takes each and every one of us.”
“We made it,” proclaimed senior co-class president Kira Monji thanking the school’s “incredible” staff and faculty. “Remember that you are in control,” she advised the graduating class.
“You decide your path. And whatever path that is, please remember to care. Care about others. Care about yourself. Care about the environment, civil rights, and social liberties. Care about equality, justice, and making the world, our future, a better place.”
Valedictorian James Ward, whose aspiration is to become a hospital CEO, and who co-founded a student-led videoconferencing business, exhorted his classmates to rise above obstacles and excel.
“They say that students with split parents only have an 80% chance of graduating,” Ward said. “They say that if you come from a low-income family, then you are five times less likely to be here today. They even say, that just for being Hispanic, you have almost one-tenth odds of dropping out. Regardless of what the numbers say, you did it, and you’re here today. Statistics will not hold you back.”
Added Ward, “I want to congratulate the entire graduating class of 2022 for defying all odds and enduring through the most confusing four years of our lives.”
“I want to send a very special thank you to our front office and our custodial staff, they are the unsung heroes of Mission Bay High School,” said Dr. Eric Brown in his principal’s address. “I gave a lot of thought to what amount of inspiration I could provide to you all, as you launch out into the world. I couldn’t help but marvel at how creative, and how courageous you’ve been in the face of the many challenges placed in your path these last few years.”
Added Brown, referencing a quote by Dale Carnegie: “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. Class of 2022, you all have shown up, and you kept showing up, no matter what obstacles you came across. The fact that you are here shows how really well equipped you are to take on the world. No matter what direction you plan on heading into when you leave here today, you are ready.
“Grit and resilience are something you can always build on, ”continued Brown. “You can get more of it, and it grows within you, day by day, year by year. You have become some of the most resilient people on this planet. That grit is now a part of your persona, and it will take you farther than any amount of talent or skill you possess today, or you find tomorrow. May you always lead by example, work hard, and always play it straight. We wish you everything you so richly deserve in the years ahead.
“Go Bucs!”