Following Charles Lindbergh’s tradition of flying fixed-wing planes off La Jolla’s cliffs, professional hang gliding and paragliding pilots will gather at Torrey Pines Gliderport May 19 to 24, to launch the 12th annual Flight Fest. Wind conditions permitting, from Tuesday, May 19 through Thursday, May 21, pilots will perform demos for onlookers while they browse through various vendor booths. Starting Friday, May 22 and running through Sunday, May 24, experienced pilots will race in various categories, from beginner to experienced paragliding and hang gliding pilots — including an open class, allowing experienced pilots to race custom-made fixed-wing contraptions, according to Torrey Pines Gliderport office manager Shannon Fournier. “It’s going to be a great day for both paraglide and hang gliders,” Fournier said. “We have different classes, but the pilots have to be a P3 paraglide pilot or above and the hang-gliding pilots must be an H4 or above. So the pilots are experienced.” Winners will be awarded part of $6,000 in prizes in each class, Fournier said, from P3 Rookies through King and Open Class races. “Hang gliding is a fixed wing [craft] and paragliding is more of a soft wing parachute,” Fournier said. “Certified pilots with no racing experience can try it out for $50 [experienced racers pay $100] but they have to be certified members of the United States Hang gliding and Paragliding Association (USHPA).” Pilots begin launching two at a time, competing for cash prizes and titles off La Jolla’s cliffs in timed heats Friday, Saturday and Sunday at about 11 a.m., when the wind picks up, according to Fournier. Gliderport officials must stop the flying at dusk each day, she said. “They race, they do spot landings. They launch at the same time; they launch two at a time and they’re timed — and then, about 45 seconds later, they launch two more [gliders],” Fournier said, regarding the races. “Pilots are coming to town to join local pilots, but mostly it’s going to be a lot of fun for spectators. It’s free to watch, and a lot of fun for the family to come and watch.” Flight Fest is free to the public at the Torrey Pines Gliderport, 2800 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive. For info or to register, call (858) 452-9858, or call Fournier, (619) 867-4173.