Gita Kooshkani opened the GK Fashion House on March 20 on Prospect Street. I asked her how she picked La Jolla to open this new upscale boutique and she said: “Walking in the streets of La Jolla has very positive energy and it is filled with many diverse personalities. It is very special to me and I think it is one of the best neighborhoods in the world. I just love La Jolla.” Strolling the streets she saw this warm and cozy store for lease and knew immediately this would be her boutique.
Kooshkani started her business three years ago with only her private clientele that she works with. She feels that she has something to say to the world because we are going in the wrong direction with this fast fashion that is not gentle to the earth. I asked Kooshkani who her customer was and she said: “My customer is a woman who wants to look beautiful, be comfortable, and at the same time stylish. My customer does not want to wear anything that is mass-produced.”
I asked Kooshkani how she got into fashion. She said as a child she always made doll clothes for her and her friends but never thought of it as a career at that time. She moved from Iran to Florida, married and had two girls while going to the University of Florida. She eventually moved to California and went to Fashion School. Her life has been a journey of learning and she has traveled all over the world to study fast fashion. She wanted to know how we could change it because it causes so many problems for our earth. She researched fabrics, fibers, and dyeing techniques such as using pomegranate seeds, tea, and spices.
She wanted to know how different countries manufacture in the world. She traveled to Persia, Italy, and looked at natural wool in Dublin. Kooshkani believes that people need a smaller wardrobe with quality clothing that will last and not clog up our landfills.
Kooshkani said that the atmosphere inside her boutique gives visitors a comfortable feeling where the clothes connect with you. They reflect prestige and quality, feel organic, high-end and exclusive. They are hand-picked with luxury quality. All are made in the USA except a few pieces that are custom made in Italy.
The accessories such as jewelry, crowns, and clutches are typically one of a kind. They are made by a designer that lives in New York and is made of Swarovski, opal, and turquoise. The grand opening is postponed until the end of May or June because of the coronavirus. Stay tuned for this amazing event but in the meantime stop by and take a peek at this delightful boutique located at 1261 Prospect St. or visit Upcoming Events
Due to the coronavirus, most events have been canceled until further notice. Diana Cavagnaro is an internationally renowned Couture Milliner based in San Diego. Learn more about our Hat Designer, Teacher & Blogger at