The iconic wall of flowers on Goldfinch Street has come alive again, thanks to the efforts of a team of community members. Recognized landscape artist and Mission Hills resident Mark Fehlman conceived the rehab of the mural wall, spanning almost the full block between Sutter Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, as Goldfinch becomes Reynard Way. Following his direction, Girl Scouts from Troop 4875 of Francis Parker School, members of the Mission Hills Garden Club, and others who heard about the event from social media and walking by, pitched in to accomplish the work in just one day on Saturday, May 6. The Mission Hills Garden Club sponsored and organized the beautification as part of their community enhancement efforts.
Said Caroline Lilly, Troop 4875 leader, “As I was putting my daughter to bed last night she said ‘today was really fun, I loved it.’”
Those sentiments were shared by many of the Scouts and their siblings who learned what it takes to paint a mural, most for the first time. A number of residents along Goldfinch saw the activity and joined in, alongside longtime Mission Hills Garden Club members.
“We could not have achieved this without Mark’s talent, energy and vision,” said Barbara Mandel, Garden Club board member. “It is so fresh and fun. And the kids who painted the mural have real ownership of their work, which was one of our goals.”
The Mission Hills Garden Club had spearheaded the original mural about 13 years ago. It had faded and sustained graffiti damage over the years.
“The homeowners in the condos above the wall brought it to our attention, and with Mark and Anne Fehlman’s guidance and the commitment of the Girl Scouts, it became a reality,” Mandel added.
The Garden Club will be installing an acknowledgment plaque listing the painters in the near future, and hopes the new flower field will be enjoyed by community residents for many years to come. Recently, the Mission Hills Garden Club also replaced the benches at the Pioneer Park tennis courts, and installed a wood rail fence along the Juan Street side of the golf course. Funds from the Annual Garden Walk, set this year for May 13, provides funding for community enhancement projects. More information at missionhillsgardenclub.org.