Gloria’s Bar-B-Q, 978 Garnet Ave., will kick-off a week-long fundraiser to help buy tents for victims of the earthquake in Haiti. One-half of all proceeds from meals served at Gloria’s on Feb. 21 will go toward the effort. A DJ and models will be at Gloria’s that day, and a live radio broadcast will be conducted on-site, said Tony Turner, executive chef and Gloria’s co-owner. In addition, donations will be accepted at Gloria’s from Feb. 21 to 28. Money raised will go through the Carlsbad-based Rescue Task Force, a non-profit organization that responds to disasters worldwide. A target of $55,000 has been set for fundraisers countywide, with Rescue Task Force adding an additional $20,000. The total of $75,000 will buy 1,900 tents which Paha Que Wilderness, Inc. has agreed to sell at-cost, said Andrea Stone, Rescue Task Force executive director. To help: call Gloria’s Bar-B-Q, (858) 274-3612 or Andrea Stone, (619) 991-3669,