The picturesque cottage at 2525 Garnet Ave. was once the dining room of Braemar, the home of Frederick and Emma Scripps and the cultural hub of Pacific Beach in the early 20th century. Known today as the Rose Creek Cottage, the charming Tudor structure remains a gathering place for weddings, receptions, baptisms, reunions, birthdays and memorial services. To help ensure that the cottage is around for future generations to mark their milestones, the Pacific Beach Town Council (PBTC) is sponsoring a fundraiser on Tuesday, Feb. 24, 6 p.m. at Lotsa Pasta, 1762 Garnet Ave. “It’s the big annual fundraiser for the cottage,” PBTC director Nanci Dalzell said. Town Council officers and directors will be serving up five-cheese lasagna, Caesar salad and chocolate mousse to attendees. Tickets are $25, available by calling the PBTC offices, (858) 483-6666. “It’s a great atmosphere, great menu and a chance to socialize with other locals for a good local cause,” said PBTC Vice President Ruby Houck, who is co-chairing the event with longtime community volunteer Georgina Smith. “If you’ve never come to a Town Council event, this is a great one to start with,” Houck said. In addition to being a local landmark with “a huge history,” Houck said the storied cottage “offers a great service for weddings and parties at affordable prices to the community.” Proceeds will go toward safety and beautification of the cottage. Past projects have included landscaping, upgrading the electrical system, installing new carpet and painting the gazebo. Houck encouraged Pacific Beach residents to visit the PBTC’s new Web site, www.pbtowncouncil.org, for more information on the fundraiser and other upcoming events. “There’s really something for everybody,” she said. For more information on Rose Creek Cottage, visit www.rosecreekcottage.net or call (858) 490-0468. ROSE CREEK COTTAGE FUNDRAISER WHEN: Feb. 24, 6 p.m. WHERE: Lotsa Pasta, 1762 Garnet Ave. TICKETS: $25 CONTACT: (858) 483-6666, www.pbtowncouncil.org or www.rosecreekcottage.net