Bob Hickman, a Friends of Del Cerro (FODC) board member, is heading up the installation of the new neighborhood signs. Bob is now working with a Del Cerro Boy Scout Troop and members of the troop will be helping to install the remainder of the signs. This is a very good community service project for the troop.
If you have an active Neighborhood Watch in your neighborhood, and would like one of the new signs, contact Bob Hickman at [email protected]. If you would like to establish a Neighborhood Watch in your neighborhood, go to, click on Neighborhood, then Neighborhood Watch. Read the information and complete the online form.
The Friends of FODC committee working with SDSU professors and staff regarding Adobe Falls, recently met on campus to review environmental and agricultural opportunities for research by students and professors. The SDSU students participating in the Capstone project are continuing to evaluate how the property can best be used by SDSU for educational purposes.
On Friday, April 1, members of the FODS board of directors met, via Zoom, with Emily Piatanesi, the new District 7 representative from Mayor Todd Gloria’s office. Jackie O’Connor, the president of FODC briefed Emily on the FODC, our history and the projects presently underway. Emily asked what the primary concern is and repaving of College Avenue is at the top of the list.
For more information on the FODC go to
– Jay Wilson is a board member with Friends of Del Cerro.
Photo credit: Pixabay