In response to citizen complaints about plans to truck excess methane gas from the Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant through Peninsula streets, an open neighborhood forum has been slated by the Peninsula Community Planning Board (PCPB) for Wednesday, Sept. 9. The meeting will focus on the city-based plan to transport the methane gas from the wastewater facility to outside sources starting in the fall of 2010. The meeting will be an opportunity to obtain information, history and the proposed truck routes of the Beneficial Use of Digester Gas (BUDG) project. Concerned Catalina Boulevard resident John Pedersen presented a petition of more than 300 signatures to the PCPB on Aug. 20. Pedersen said the petition was signed by citizens who were either unaware of the project or had little understanding of it. Pedersen and fellow resident Jim Gilhooly spoke out against the project during the non-agenda public comment portion of the meeting. “The transporting of 1.1 billion cubic feet of hazardous gas through our community poses tremendous risk to the 288 homes along the proposed truck routes and the local businesses, churches and schools,” Pedersen said during his three-minute time allotment. Pedersen said he is continuing to pass out fliers to all Point Loma residents along the proposed truck route corridors. The flier briefly outlines the project and raises his concerns surrounding it, including personal safety, decline in property value and Point Loma quality of life and what he said is the failure of elected officials to represent local residents. “My remedy for this is call a meeting and have all of us invited,” Pedersen said. “They should invite you personally with a letter to your house.” The BUDG project community meeting will be held Sept. 9 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Hervey/Point Loma Library on 3701 Voltaire St. For more information, e-mail [email protected], or visit