In January, Charter, Steele Canyon, West Hills, IDEA, Monte Vista, Santana, Grossmont, Valhalla, Granite Hills, Mount Miguel and El Cajon Valley are participating in this first joint Foothills Art Association Art Show. This district has been serving east San Diego County for over 100 years. This district started with Grossmont High School and expanded with Helix High School (est. 1952).
Christine Colera joined Helix in 2000 after it became the first charter of the district in 1998. Since then, Steele Canyon joined GUHSD as the second public charter in the district. The 12 schools in the district represent the communities of La Mesa, Rancho San Diego, Santee, Lakeside, Spring Valley, and El Cajon.
Two years ago in a first time partnership with Foothills, Helix Charter High School was honored to have almost a hundred pieces of art displayed in the gallery. The Foothills Art Association has been very supportive of the programs — and Helix High in particular — over the last 20 years.
The partnership has grown because more students from more communities are involved. This is a great opportunity for students to showcase their work, see what it is like to have public feedback and hopefully participate in FAA’s student membership where they can take advantage of art classes and even continue their membership afterwards to move forward in their own artistic ventures.
Christine hopes that this symbiotic relationship will continue for years to come and that it will bring this amazing gallery and members more public exposure and potential members.
— Bonnie Owen is editor of Footnotes, the monthly newsletter of the Foothills Art Association.