A Midway-area business employee who pleaded guilty to making criminal threats and carryinga loaded firearm in his car was sentenced Dec. 15 to three years in state prison. Brandon James Murray, 27, worked for Alert Ambulance on Hancock Street in Point Loma. Several co-workers told police he made threatening statements to them before police pulled him over Aug. 24 after Murray and his wife left their residence. Police found four semi-automatic handguns with ammunition in the vehicle. Murray’s wife has since told the judge the guns belonged to her. “It’s hard to know what he was planning [acting on the threats],” said Superior Court Judge Michael Smyth. “He was driving somewhere with firearms. I believe he’s a danger to others if not incarcerated.” Smyth denied Murray probation and gave him credit for 108 days spent in jail. He also fined him $1,260. Smyth also signed a restraining order that bans Murray from contacting his former co-workers. Murray also pleaded guilty to inflicting corporal injury to his wife, Jennifer Flores. In court documents, Brandon Murray admitted to making a death threat to a co-worker and to battering his wife. Deputy District Attorney Matthew Greco said he will oppose the return of the firearms to Flores. Murray had been charged with 12 counts that mostly were criminal threat charges but Smyth dismissed the remainder after Murray pleaded guilty to three counts. Workers told police that Murray had threatened to “hurt everyone at the office.”