Library displays: In August, we will put together books and other materials as your official get-ready-for-back-to-school corner. From what your students need-to-know to fractions and multiplication and everything in between.
In September, we are compiling books and information on service dogs and guide dogs, to explain their rights as well as that of their owners.
There still time to check out the art show featuring climate art from our affiliated artists and local youth in our Climate Kids program, as well as collaborative pieces made at community events. The display and community room will be filled pieces from this exhibit through the end of September.
Homework Club: Homework Club will be here for all your schoolwork questions. This will be on a first-come, first-served basis with tutors that have the knowledge and skills to assist with your questions. Please bring all homework and necessary materials to be completed during the session. A few basic supplies will be made available upon request.
Club hours at the library are: Mondays, 2-4 p.m. and Wednesdays from noon-3 p.m.
The Homework Club is looking for helpful tutors. We need help for students from elementary through middle school. If you can help on either or both days, please let a staff member know and we will set up an interview with you to go over the details. Thank you for helping kick off the new school year on a positive note.
Tween Scene and Tween Gaming: Welcome Back! Starting back up with a timeless classic: Tween Scene, where students will participate in crafts and other fun projects.
Another program, Tween Gaming, gives you a chance to fully utilize our Nintendo Switch and PS4 gaming systems to challenge friends or the online community. Both programs are at 3 p.m. Tween Scene is on Tuesday and Tween Gaming is on Thursday.
Labor Day: We will be closed Monday, Sept. 2, in observance of Labor Day. We will reopen Tuesday, Sept. 3, at 11:30 a.m.
Food: September’s Vegan Adventures presentation will feature hot vegan deli sandwiches on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 6-7 p.m. This bimonthly program has been very well attended. Samples and hands-on demonstrations will all be a part of the vegan magic.
Art from one of our own: The children’s section wall is getting a fresh overhaul. The wall has been outfitted with chalk paint, turning our ordinary wall into a chalk canvas. Our very own Sara Shepherd is putting together a piece featuring a Labrador retriever, an owl, and a book. Come and see how this piece will turn out in the children’s section.
A cuddly follow up: For all the friends and families that brought in a stuffed animal for the toy and stuffed animal drive. We wanted to follow up with how it all went. From the libraries, we collected over 1,600 toy and stuffed animal donations! When added to the donations we collected at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, we were able to distribute over 12,850 donations to eight local organizations serving health and welfare needs of children in the region. Thank you, Allied Gardens, for always coming out and stepping up. We couldn’t do it without you!
— Kevin Tran is library assistant III at the Allied Gardens/Benjamin Branch Library.