Por Pat Boerner
Navajo Canyon Republican Women of California (RWCNC) are having a politically educational dinner event at St. Dunstan’s Church, 6556 Park Ridge Blvd. in San Diego, on Tuesday, April 9, from 5 to 8 p.m. Guest speaker will be Brett Winterble, a 20-year veteran of radio and television. Funny, insightful and high energy are all attributes that describe Winterble. You can listen to him on KFMB 760AM weekdays from 3 to 7 p.m. and see him on NewsMax TV. Please join us at this event to learn what is happening, and what we can expect to see in the future of the Republican Party.
Doors open at 5 p.m. and a taco dinner will be served at 6 p.m. followed by our speaker at 7 p.m. Navajo ladies are offering all this for only $15 because we want people to attend, be informed and get energized! There will be a chance to win $100 cash, visit vendors displaying items for sale and bid on surprise items at a live auction.
Please make your reservations early by calling 858-273-2500 or email [email protected]. Make your checks payable to RWCNC and mail to 2295 Needham Road, #4, El Cajon, CA 92020. We expect a large turnout for this event so please reserve your spot early. We will not be accepting credit cards.
Former state Senator Joel Anderson was the speaker at our March meeting held at the Brigantine La Mesa, and he did a great job of informing us on the details of the winning strategy for Republicans in 2020. Jessica Patterson, the newly elected chairperson of the California Republican Party, is making registering Republican voters one of her highest priorities. There is a lot we can do as individuals to help her with that objective. This is the time to get involved and donate time and effort to put Republicans back in charge in Sacramento.
If you are not thrilled with the idea of an unprotected border and single payer health care, then you can’t afford to sit idly at home just complaining at what the majority party is doing. Get involved, and one good way is to become a member of RWCNC. Please join us for dinner in April at St. Dunstan’s at 5 p.m. and learn more about us. If you can’t make that date, our next meeting will be 11 a.m. on May 9 at the Brigantine in La Mesa when Susan Shelbey from the Howard Jarvis Tax Association will be our speaker.
Reservations are required and the cost is $25 for the full course lunch. Cash and checks are accepted, but no credit cards. For more information on our activities, please visit our website rwcnavajocanyon.org and check us out on Facebook at Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon. Other questions, please call or text Marjie at 619-990-2791.
— Pat Boerner escribe en nombre de las Mujeres Republicanas del Cañón Navajo de California.