Ana Eliopulos | Mascotas
So, you’ve decided to get a dog. Good for you! A good match will provide you with years of love, companionship, humor, fun, exercise and memories for a lifetime, not to mention that having a dog to pet and sit with has been proven to lower heart rate and blood pressure. In this fast-paced society, our dogs often provide an opportunity to breathe, relax and take in our surroundings.
There are so many breeds to choose from that it would be impossible to mention even a portion of them in one column. With the advent of designer dogs (think Labradoodle, a Labrador crossed with a Poodle), the sheer volume of options has become overwhelming. Determining what you want and expect in your four-legged friend will help you to make the right decision when making the final pick.
Secondhand dogs — also known as rescue or shelter dogs — can make wonderful additions to any household. Most of the secondhand dogs available for adoption end up without a home due to circumstances beyond their control: illness, divorce, allergies, a death in the family, or a move that cannot include them. Lack of time or training may also cause a dog to lose their home.
Many do not understand that all dogs go through an adolescent or teenage phase between seven months and three years, depending on the size of the dog. Just like us, it can be filled with boundary pushing, selective memory and hearing, challenging authority and general teenage woes. A lot of dogs end up in the shelter during this developmental period. But, just like us, with consistency and patience, they get through it and become loving, reliable members of a family. I’m fairly sure a lot of us would have also ended up in shelters as teenagers, had our parents been given the option.
Secondhand does not mean second rate. By adopting a rescue dog, you are saving a life and giving a dog in need their forever home, which is a fantastic feeling. These dogs are often appreciative beyond measure at this new chance, and they bond tightly with the people who have chosen them. The number of happy rescue stories I have heard in my 30 years in veterinary medicine far outnumber the very few that did not go as hoped. I, myself, have only had rescue or shelter dogs, and still smile and sometimes cry at their memory. I wouldn’t trade a single one.
Before you start your search, ask yourself some important questions about your needs, as it can be hard to focus on them when sparkling eyes and a wagging tail are in front you. Do you want a dog that will go everywhere with you? Do you have children? Do you like grooming, or prefer an easy-care coat? Do you have the finances for grooming or for potential health problems? Are you really active, or do you have a mostly quiet, inactive lifestyle? Do you have other dogs or cats at home? Do you have a home or yard for larger breeds? Do you own your home? Do you live in a place where size or breeds are restricted? Do you plan to go to the dog park? Do you have a schedule that can accommodate a puppy (out for potty a minimum of every four hours)?
This is important information to assess. If you are sedentary, you probably won’t want a herding, sporting or even some of the working breeds. These are dogs that want a job and often will create their own activity and outlets if they are not provided. If you are active and like to jog, hike or do other activities, toy or flat-faced breeds (Pugs, Pekingese, etc.) are not a good choice. If you don’t like grooming, long hair breeds or breeds that require monthly clips may not be for you. Puppies are hard to resist, but require a lot of training and time to get them to the reliable, housebroken adult stage.
Talk to people at the shelter or rescue group. Find out what they know about the dog you are interested in. Was he given up, a stray or transferred from another shelter? What do they know about his history? Was he an indoor dog? Did he live with children or other animals? Why was he given up? How has he been since in shelter? Was his temperament evaluated? What were the findings? Is he affectionate? Does he like children? Does he listen? Is he attentive? Is he trained? Does he like other dogs? Is he calm or easygoing? Is he energetic? How would they describe him? Most shelters and rescue groups take the time to know the dogs in their care and should be able to answer most of these questions.
There are a lot of loving dogs out there waiting for the right person. By taking your time and knowing what you want, you both will have the experience that you deserve. The dog you thought you would never want, as with my Pug and me may turn out to be just the dog you waited for.