The trial for a man who doused himself and an acquaintance with gasoline at Fiesta Island was delayed on Dec. 12 until March 25 so his attorney can further prepare.
Myles Edward Chapin, 46, is charged with attempted murder of a woman identified only as Rhonda C. in a 4 p.m. incident on July 12, 2018.
“He ran up to her and poured gasoline on her and himself,” said Deputy District Attorney Matthew Greco.
“He pulled out two lighters, but he couldn’t get either one to light,” said Greco.
Greco said Chapin then ran off, but was arrested by San Diego Police officers about a half hour later after the woman called police and told them what happened.
The woman did not testify in the Sept. 12 preliminary hearing, but her account of what happened was told by a police detective. A judge also ordered him to stand trial for assault with a deadly weapon.
Chapin is charged with pre-meditated attempted murder and faces a life term in prison if he is convicted. He and his attorney appeared Dec. 12 in San Diego Superior Court and requested the March 25 trial date.
Chapin waived his right to have a speedy trial. He has pleaded not guilty and remains in jail on $1 million bail.