Helix Charter High School is planning its first annual Trades Day Career Fair on Wednesday, April 5, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. It will be in an area next to the football field.
This will be a trade show-style event with more than 20 different career vendors.
Construction trades, law enforcement, cosmetology, real estate, and more, will be available. Representatives will talk to students and explain how to get into their industries.
With the professional landscape changing so rapidly, there are a lot of high-need jobs in various trades that don’t require college degrees. Many of these jobs come with free or affordable training, good pay, benefits, etc. Also, there will be passport books for students and incentives for those who fill up their books by talking with different representatives. If students try to talk to as many people as possible, they can get an idea of all the options that are open to them.
According to NPR, the White House’s infrastructure plan that passed in 2021 will create 1.5 million construction jobs per year over the next 10 years. Many of these jobs are going unfilled because young adults are not aware of the trades as an alternative to traditional college degrees.
“Trade jobs can offer great career paths, competitive pay, and benefits,” said Lauren Knuth, community relations & engagement coordinator at Helix. “Skilled trade workers are in high demand right now and the training is free in many cases. Our goal is to increase our students’ exposure to all the options post-high school, so they are more equipped for the real world. For many students, a 4-year degree is a great route, but not for everyone and we want to make sure we don’t miss out on helping those students.”
This is primarily for seniors who are not planning on going to college, but all interested students are invited to participate.
If you know someone from a trade or career who is interested in attending, email their contact info to Knuth at: [email protected].
Para más información visite: helixcharter.net/domain/193.