It’s already February, and I’m happy to share what has been happening in District 7 and the Navajo communities. So, let’s jump in with what my team and I have been working on.
Navajo Community Town Hall
I recently held a town hall for Navajo residents at the Allied Gardens Community Recreation Center where I provided updates on several significant 2022 accomplishments, like the opening of the new SDPD Satellite Office in Grantville. I also spoke about what’s on the horizon for 2023 and answered questions, comments, and concerns from residents regarding the Navajo community. Thank you to those who attended the town hall. I appreciate your interest and commitment to your community.
Point in Time Count
Last week, my staff and I joined the San Diego Regional Task Force on Homelessness for the 2023 Point in Time Count. The purpose of We All Count is to collect data on the needs of people experiencing homelessness in our community and better learn the needs of the unhoused and how to help with various resources. If you are experiencing homelessness, dial 211 for information on resources and services near you.
Storm Drain Cleaning in San Carlos
Last month our region was hit with several consecutive storms leaving many parts of our district flooded. I’m glad to announce that in December, crew members of the City’s Stormwater Department were able to clear non-native plants and debris from the storm drain near the San Carlos Recreation Center, which allowed water from our recent storms to flow freely through our storm drains (see before and after below).
San Carlos Library Update
The purchase of the adjacent land to build the future San Carlos Library that will allow the construction of a new library is moving along. Final negotiations with the current property owner are in process, and the deadline for the city to purchase the lot is Summer 2023. Lucky for us, the purchase price was negotiated 30-years ago, so the taxpayers are getting a really good deal on the land.
Navajo Community Bulk Trash Day
Time for some pre-Spring cleaning. After the holidays is always a great time to get rid of the clutter, and I am excited to share that I have scheduled a bulk trash day exclusively for the Navajo communities on Saturday, March 4, from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Allied Gardens Recreation Center. See my website or social media channels for more details on what is NOT accepted.
Year in Review- Now Available
I am proud to present the 2022 Year in Review for District 7. Copies have been circulated along the various community events and the district’s local libraries for your information.
I look forward to my continued work advocating for District 7 and all San Diegans in 2023.
– Raul Campillo represents District 7 on the San Diego City Council.