Corporate Fido
Check with your boss and colleagues to confirm that Fido can play corporate for the day. Find out if others in the office will be bringing in their own dogs in an effort to sort out any possible issues between the dogs. When bringing Fido into the office, be sure to keep him on a leash, especially when introducing him to co-workers and their dogs.
Curious Fido
Being new on the job, Fido is going to want to explore. Survey the scene before bringing him to the office. Remove small items that could serve as choking hazards for Fido, like wayward paperclips, staples and even pens. Secure all loose cords so that Fido is not enticed to chew on them.
Playful Fido
Decide on a time to meet co-workers outside. A long day in the office can seem even longer for a dog when they are not used to being in an unfamiliar place. A group canine play-date is a great way for the dogs to interact with each other in a regulated, yet unlimited physical setting.
Stationary Fido
In case you are not able to take Fido outside, bring toys to work so that he can entertain himself while relaxing on his dog bed or comfortable blanket. Bringing his personal things to work will help him associate the new space as his home-away-from-home. Make sure that the toy is not squeaky so as not to disturb others. Avoid rawhide, bones and other cherished possessions. Some dogs do not share well, and it is important for their owner to be aware of this.
Hungry Fido
If Fido’s mealtime falls during office hours, be sure to bring his personal food and water bowl. Store his bowls away from any electrical wires, equipment or porous surfaces. Be sure to feed and hydrate Fido away from others dogs so that other dogs are not tempted by their appetite.
Relieving Fido
Fido will be more excited and stimulated than normal to be in a new territory with you. Bring Wee-Wee Pads to work with you to avoid any accidents. Be sure to take Fido out for regular walks to a pre-established destination so that he can relieve himself.