Kentucky Gallahue moved to California about six years ago. He began looking for a job and applied for a handyman position with Glenn Millar, the owner of Call Glenn Again, a startup handyman service in the Ocean Beach area at the time.
As the two of them talked, Millar asked Kentucky what his plans were in five years and the answer was that he wanted to write a book; he wanted to travel with his book; visiting schools, nursing homes, etc. Millar said he probably shouldn’t hire him because in those five years he would become famous and leave his employ.
Kentucky said he needed a “ghostwriter,” because although he had many ideas he had difficulty putting all those ideas on paper. Millar happened to be a writer. And the more that they talked, the more the book became a reality.
Kentucky said that he also needed an illustrator and put out feelers on a variety of media asking for illustrators to get in touch with him on the book. They had 30-40 illustrators respond, but when Kentucky looked at the illustrations that Ashley Lanni sent him he knew almost immediately that she was the one he wanted to work with. The likeliness of her drawings to Derby and him were fantastic, and before they all realized it a trio had been formed. Her drawings in the coloring book are all done freehand.
Before we go much further let me tell you something about Derby and Kentucky. Derby is a Goldendoodle that loves to surf. He didn’t always surf – it wasn’t until about six years ago when he and Kentucky moved to Ocean Beach that he even saw an ocean. And he loved what he saw. Surfing was also new to Kentucky, and the two of them learned how to surf together. They began competing in surfing competitions in California, and just recently have branched out as far as Waikiki, Hawaii.
In Hawaii, there is a celebration called the “Dukes Oceanfest” for Duke Kahanamoku’s birthday. This year, there was a dog surfing contest and Derby won first place in the solo competition and Derby and Kentucky were fourth in the tandem race. They are so excited and are already planning their trip for next year to defend their title.
On Sunday, Sept. 18, Derby and Kentucky competed in a surfing contest at Del Mar and Derby took second in the singles, and second in the tandem with Kentucky.
The surfing contests are pretty much over for this year, but you can still see Derby and Kentucky (the man with the blue Mohawk) on Oct. 22, from noon-4 p.m. at the American Cancer Society’s Bark for Life at Nobel Athletic Fields and Recreation Center, 8810 Judicial Drive. This is an event where the canines will do what they can to fight cancer. Kentucky and Derby will be helping judge the costume contests.
And with the holidays coming up, this is a perfect time to purchase those books – reading and/or coloring books – for gifts while at the same time contributing to research for cancer.
I purchased several of their books as gifts for my grandchildren and am enthralled with the “mostly true story” of “Derby learning to Surf.” The coloring book is amazing – and Kentucky has given permission to color his Mohawk a color different than blue if you want to! I am not sure if Derby will allow you to change his hair color, but you could probably try it if you are so inclined.
On their website https://derbycalifornia.com/ readers can learn about the surfing duo; purchase books and outfits for you and your dog. Who knows, you might become the next surfing duo yourself.