Ana Eliopulos | Mascotas
It finally happened! That bullet I was certain I was going to dodge just crept up on me. I’m sure it happened over time, but it seemed as if it was overnight: gray hair, looser skin, joints that hurt and less energy. Most pet owners describe similar phenomena in their senior pets as well. That once vibrant, energetic cat or dog is looking frailer, grayer and less active and it seems like it just suddenly happened.
When you consider that your dog or cat ages approximately seven years to your one, it all starts to make more sense. Senior status is typically recognized at starting at around age seven or eight years (49 to 56 in human years), but is also determined by breed and other factors. A pet is considered to be an advanced senior when it has lived beyond the life expectancy for the breed or species. As our pets enter their golden years, it is important to provide them with regular health checks and support.
Age is not a disease. There are definite physical and mental changes that occur, just like in people, and any change should be checked. Many conditions can be helped and sometimes cured. Cats are not small dogs, so let’s start with them. The following changes warrant a trip to the vet:
- Change in grooming habits or hair coat
- Increased or decreased appetite or thirst
- Weight loss
- Changes in urination or defecation habits
- Change in litter box habits
- Coughing or wheezing
- Has a lump
Cats usually mellow with age and become more sedentary. However, if your cat no longer wants to be petted, seems grumpy or isn’t getting up on their usual favorite places, they may be in pain. Arthritis affects all mammals. Cats do not necessarily limp from their arthritis. They may not want to get on the bed, dislike being touched on their back or have trouble getting in and out of their litter box.
Supplements, medications, ramps, soft beds and possibly a litter box with shorter sides can help senior cats to feel more comfortable. Adding a litter box in a different location may save an older cat from having to go that extra, uncomfortable step. Play enrichment with toys that don’t require leaping and bounding will help keep the senior cat stay engaged.
Dogs and cats alike can have changes in their hearing, vision and sense of taste. While some of these conditions are due to the normal wear of the organ or tissue, it is important to make sure that there is not a painful or treatable cause.
Because our dogs are more active than most cats, their arthritis tends to be noticed more readily. Arthritis is a progressive, worsening condition that over time will cause muscle atrophy and disabling pain. Supplements, medications, alternative modalities such as laser and acupuncture and sometimes even surgery can improve symptoms and allow for a better quality of life. Signs that your dog may be experiencing arthritic change are:
- Slowness or difficulty getting out of bed
- Lameness
- Not wanting to go on walks or lagging behind
- Accidents in the house
Yes, dogs may experience dementia with age, which might cause the senior dog to have accidents. Changes in the liver, kidneys or other organs may cause your dog to not be able to hold their bladder or bowels the way they used to. There’s a reason “Depends” are in business for adult humans. Unless your senior dog has dementia, they will probably feel horrible about not having the ability to hold it all day anymore. Adjustments in schedule or dog walks may help solve the problem, as long as there is not a medical condition causing the accidents.
As dogs continue to live longer, cancer is becoming more prevalent. Lumps and bumps, loss of appetite, limping or any sudden change should be checked immediately. Some cancers can be cured when caught early and in many cases they can be supported with quality and good time.
Despite the old adage, old dogs love to learn new tricks. Okay, they don’t need to be tricks, but stimulating the senior mind keeps it active. Now is the time to change up high-impact games such as frisbee, catch or anything that requires a jump. Throwing low is the way to go.
Senior cats and dogs alike may require special diets. Senior pets should be examined once a year with blood work and a urinalysis. The advanced senior should be examined twice a year, with diagnostics as deemed appropriate by your veterinarian. Soft beds, gentle exercise, diligent health care, stimulation and understanding will make your senior’s life happier and allow them the dignity they have earned. At some point, the time will come to say goodbye, but until then, find ways to ease both of you down the road of what can be the most precious period of your relationship together.
Ann Eliopulos is a Hospital Administrator at Bodhi Animal Hospital. Got a pet question for her? Email it to [email protected].