The San Diego Young Artists Symphony (SDYAS) will be holding auditions Aug. 27 to 31 for all sections: strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion. Auditions are open to all San Diego County music students age 5 to 25.
“The San Diego Young Artists Symphony provides orchestral training for young musicians who have the ability and desire to study and perform symphonic repertoire in an environment that has expectations and standards of excellence similar to those of a music conservatory,” said Marike Schultz-Meyer, executive director of SDYAS, in an e-mail interview.
In addition to the YAS, there are three training orchestras that act as steppingstones toward entering the YAS. The Con Brio ensemble is a beginning string group for those just starting out. The Fiddle ‘n’ Bow and Wind ‘n’ Brass ensembles are intermediate groups for strings, woodwinds and brass.
All young musicians are encouraged to audition; musicians who do audition will be placed into the orchestra that best fits their skill level.
Some musicians in the Fiddle ‘n’ Bow group also play with the beginning Con Brio ensemble, because of varying skill levels and for the extra practice, Schultz-Meyer said.
“The Young Artists Symphony accepts musicians of all ages, according to their musical abilities,” Schultz-Meyer said.
Last year they performed the complete Beethoven’s 4th Symphony and the entire Dvorak’s 9th Symphony as well as Wagner’s “Meistersinger Prelude.”
The YAS begin rehearsals in September in preparation for a series of four concerts in January and February, a Viennese ball in April and a final concert or concert series in June.
New this season is the chamber music ensembles. In the past, the chamber music ensemble was a string quartet this year, everyone in the orchestra will participate in chamber ensembles, string quartets, quintets, octets, woodwind ensembles or brass choirs.
These ensembles will have the opportunity to play for each other every month and have public performances in January and June.
Chamber ensembles usually consist of advanced musicians who form smaller groups to perform challenging music in an intimate setting. A larger chamber ensemble will perform at several venues this season, said Schultz-Meyer.
Many musicians play with the YAS for several years. They do have to re-audition every year, but the auditions for returning musicians are mostly for seating purposes and to allow the conductor to hear each musician play individually and offer helpful tips to improve performance, explained Schultz-Meyer.
While the group does hold scheduled auditions during the month of August, they conduct auditions all year long.
To schedule an audition appointment, call (619) 276-2057. Rehearsals will begin Saturday, Sept. 9, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Mesa College in Room 210 of the Music Building. For more information on the YAS, visit