Re: “Neighbors take a dim view of PLHS? stadium lights idea,” July 23 Beacon, page 1. Some neighbors not only “take a dim view of PLHS stadium lights idea,” but on any activity from the high school! Playing and attending a high school football game at 3 p.m. on a Friday or Saturday just does not cut it! Not only are our students missing out on the excitement of Friday night football, but many parents cannot get off work to watch their children (players, cheerleaders, band members) who are involved with these games. The one night the Pointers bring in portable lights, so they can have a night game for homecoming, is a blast! I do not understand how neighbors can state that night games are “not very good for the neighborhood.” The neighborhood needs to embrace and support its high school instead of complaining about “lights and loud speakers causing a disturbance late into the night.” These football players, cheerleaders, band members, faculty, parents and others are working hard! Neighbors should be happy with the sounds of their success! They should enjoy the excitement of living next to PLHS! Why else did they make the choice to live next to a high school? My blood boils when I hear that the band has to rotate and limit its practices because of noise complaints from neighbors; that a little league football team cannot play its motivational music over the PA system on a Sunday morning; that the football coach has to deal with a complaint from a neighbor who is upset because the noise from the stadium is disturbing his nap; that football practice has to be shortened and band time on the field is very limited because neighbors have fought against stadium lights! Soccer, dance and many more activities would benefit from the extra field time lights would bring. The schools are already operating within such tight financial restraints; the least we can do is to support their activities, even if it means having to put up with some noise and extra lights. “Lighten” up for the Pointers!