I’m aware we all work or do something during the days and/or nights and I’m also aware of the fact that some of you have grown up in this lovely area. What I refuse to accept is the lack of consideration for others. Along with the many parasitic problems in the world, the sense of “entitlement” for me is among the worst. Congratulations! You live and/or grew up here! This does NOT mean you can do whatever you want to. I know it’s a hard concept to grasp, but around the same time you realize that you should clean up your acne you should be realizing that you are NOT the only person in this world. Next time you wake up, look outside — it’s true! We are entitled to some basic things such as clothes, food, clean water, no marshmallows on the beach and a safe community and so on. What you are NOT entitled to is the right to put up “art” or “installations,” aka “graffiti,” on Ross Rock or any other rock, beach, tree, passed-out reveler, and so on. This community is extremely lucky to have a natural park for all of us to enjoy, and last time I checked my science books, plastic, glass, spraypaint, plywood, nails and screws are not abundantly found in nature. Please take the time to consider others before you deface public property and possibly put yourself in harm’s way. I’m sure none of you have wings like the lovely shotty bird sculpture that adorned Ross Rock a few years back, so don’t think hitting the reef after a long fall is going to end well. Even with a few drinks or whatever it’s going to hurt, if not KILL you! Even if you still believe that everyone else “owes” you something (see “entitlement”), take the time to at least consider nature. Like, hmmmm, what happens if the “installment” falls? What sea life could be hurt or damaged? Perhaps a poor surfer or unsuspecting teen will end up pulling rusty nails and screws from their heels. Or, what if the repetitive climbing of the rock causes it to disappear due to the added erosion (see “science books”). These are hard concepts to grasp but just like you would (hopefully) pick up the ball or skateboard so somebody doesn’t break their neck when they fall, you might find that these little things that we do for others make us truly feel entitled to gifts we are given in life.