by Bret Smith CPT, B. A., B.S. | Move Strong Studio
“In the blue corner is the undisputed champion of human kind…STRENGTH! In the red corner is one of many obstacles and barriers that hold you back from success…UNCERTAINTY!”

This grudge match is played out over and over again and pits two or more formidable opponents against each other dueling to gain control of your life. One seeks to connect you with all you need to overcome almost anything, while the other seeks to keep you bottled up and confined to staying comfortable and living small. Although on paper the victor seems obvious, how this fight turns out always seems to be in question.
Round 1 may go something like this: uncertainty leads with some mental jabs making you question your ability, self-confidence and resolve. However, the champion strength has seen this move many times prior and knows what to expect. Strength needs nothing more than a little belief, encouragement and momentum to give you all the ability needed to easily win the match. Easier said than done, as it turns out. Uncertainty has a unique strategy of gaining strength when you are at your weakest. Strength then has to overcome both the current mindset and the boost in reinforcements that uncertainty has incorporated.
Round 2 brings forth some epic events that ultimately result in strength coming forth to exert the overpowering influence it has on pretty much any obstacle uncertainty will throw at you. The mental challenges are overcome by breaking down everything into manageable and simpler steps. Fat loss is accelerated by smart training and utilizing client centered nutrition coaching. Muscle mass is increased by incorporating just the right amount of resistance training appropriate to the level of the trainee. Nothing overwhelming and nothing impossible here just the right amount at right time that keeps the momentum moving forward. With the right coaching combined with a great mindset strength will reward you with a life filled with great health, happiness and confidence. At the final bell…strength wins!