Have you ever stood in front of a building in the coastal zone where the 30-foot height restriction is supposed to apply and thought the building you were looking at had to be higher than 30 feet? Chances are, it was. Developers began interpreting the word “grade” in the original Proposition D language as the finished grade, not the existing grade. That meant the developer could pile up dirt and raise the height of the building to pretty much any level they desired — that is, 32, 34, 37 feet. The city, to its credit, realized that this was not the intention of the voters when they overwhelming passed Prop D, the 30-foot high building limit for the coast. Subsequently, the city supplemented the language of the original Prop D so as to force developers to meet the voters’ intent. The current supplemented code forces the developer to measure 30 feet from the finished grade or the existing grade — whichever is lower. Now the Bishop’s School wants an exemption from Prop D and its supplementary code to build a 32-foot building. They want to revert to measuring to the finished grade. If this exemption to the current code is allowed by way of the “variance ” process, it will set a precedent for the coastal zone and developers will happily revert back to measuring from the finished grade and again build 32-, 35-, 39-foot buildings. If this variance is granted, it cannot be denied to other developers. As time progresses, your peek-a-boo view will disappear, the winter shadow of the adjacent building will come further over your property and the wall of condos along the beach will grow a few feet higher as more variances are granted. The San Diego Planning Commission will hear the issue on Dec. 16. Please contact them at [email protected] or (619) 321-3208 and tell them you want the original intent of the voters to be maintained. — David Little is a La Jolla Community Planning Association trustee.