The morning of Nov. 18, my son, a professional skateboarder, was teaching a five-year-old how to skateboard at the Robb Field Skateboard Park. However, San Diego police officer Gerry Waclawek showed up and kicked all the kids out of the park. My understanding is that Officer Waclawek kicked the kids out because they weren’t wearing safety equipment. I understand that the officer was just doing his job. But here’s what the law reads: According to the state’s SB115800 (A) section 831.7, as amended: “Neither a public entity nor a public employee is liable to any person who participates in a hazardous recreation activity …” (skateboarding was added to the list of hazardous recreation activities). SD115800 (A) also states “a local public agency that owns or operates skateboard parks shall have the authority to determine if helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads are an appropriate requirement for use by persons at skateboard parks, or specific areas thereof, which are within the local public agency’s jurisdiction.” It would seem reasonable to me that, 1). since the city and it’s employees are exempt from lawsuits stemming from injuries at city-owned skateparks, and 2.) the city has the authority to determine if safety equipment is a requirement (or not) then the city of San Diego should post warning signs at the park “skateboard at your own risk” and let the kids skate. Skateparks are made for skateboarding, and just like other sports, there are obvious inherent risks associated with it. The officer also told my son that he can’t teach skateboarding at the park! According to a U.S. Product Safely Commission recommendation, a skatepark is an ideal place to learn how to skateboard. If a skateboard park is the only legal place to skate, then where are kids supposed to learn how to skateboard? If the city of San Diego insists on enforcing safety equipment at skateboard parks then I suggest it bring back Park and Recreation Department supervision and stop wasting the taxpayers’ money and taking valuable police time away from fighting real crime. Besides, I’m sure the police are tired of being playground monitors. Mike Ryan Former Ocean Beach Town Councilman; former advisor to the National Skateboard Association; chairman of the Ocean Beach Skate Park Committee