With temperatures beginning to reach the 90s to 100s in inland valleys and foothills, the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency (SDHHSA) reminds the public to take some precautions, and keep an eye on elderly and disabled relatives and neighbors to make sure they’re keeping cool. “Seniors with limited mobility, as well as the disabled and ill, are especially vulnerable to high temperatures,” said Dean Sidelinger, M.D., M.S.Ed., county deputy public health officer. “If they can’t cool off at home, take them to a cool zone or mall or other air-conditioned location.” The HHSA’s Aging and Independence Services’ Cool Zone program offers more than 100 locations for anyone to beat the heat. For information, call the toll-free numbers (800) 510-2020 or 2-1-1. A list of cool zone sites and tips for staying cool are on the county’s website: http://bit.ly/bFtZ12. The public is also reminded to never leave children or pets unattended in vehicles for any period of time — even with the windows down — as heat can rise to dangerous levels inside vehicles. Heat exhaustion or heat stroke can occur in anyone, but especially in people who have difficulty regulating their body temperature, including children up to age 4, those 65 or older, people who are overweight and people who are ill or on certain medications. Heat exhaustion is marked by weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache and muscle aches. To treat heat exhaustion, cool the victim off quickly and provide water or diluted sports drinks like Gatorade.?Signs of heat stroke include lack of sweating, rapid pulse, headache, nausea, confusion and even unconsciousness. If someone is suffering from heat stroke, call 9-1-1, loosen or remove the victim’s clothing, and spray or pour water on their skin. To beat the effects of high heat: • Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids • Stay out of the sun • Wear lightweight clothing • Be cautious about engaging in strenuous physical activity • Take a cool shower, bath or sponge bath • Call your physician if you feel you may be experiencing heat-related illness. — This is a public service announcement from the San Diego Health and Human Services Agency.