Despite University City’s anticipated fall 2010 completion date for the Super Loop bus route, San Diego Association of Government (SANDAG) and MTS officials announced during April’s University Community Planning Group (UCPG) meeting that the agencies were launching a prototype route this summer, in an effort to habituate locals to the high-tech buses. “We have an opportunity to launch the service a little earlier because the buses have arrived a little earlier,” said Dan Martin, SANDAG’s project implementation manager. “We have 11 buses out of the 12 expected. MTS will be the operator of the service.” Martin said the pilot program will utilize the new 35-foot-long hybrid gasoline buses and existing bus shelters while construction begins. Super Loop buses will run most of the planned route, including UTC and UC, stopping at the western portion of the loop bordering Genesee, Gilman and Nobel, Martin said, MTS officials planned to add UC San Diego stops along the route starting in fall of 2010. “We’re looking at starting sooner by using the [new Super Loop] buses and [existing stations as] temporary stops and signage during construction,” Martin said. “We can begin service in June 2009.” Martin said SANDAG would use existing shelters and add to the signage a Super Loop moniker. “That’s what’s currently proposed and now we need to work out the logistics,” he said. SANDAG and MTS collaborated on the Super Loop project running buses through UC, UC San Diego and UTC every 10 to 15 minutes from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m., Martin said. During April’s UCPG meeting, Martin unveiled the city’s designs for the Super Loop bus shelters, including features such as signage indicating a countdown to the arrival of buses. According to Martin’s presentation, Super Loop buses are equipped with special features such as hybrid technology and technology to synchronize light signals, Martin said. “The folks were excited to see the buses were coming,” Martin said. Meanwhile SANDAG and MTS officials continue designing new bus shelters, which city crews are scheduled to begin constructing this winter. “Starting in winter 2009 we’re going to be constructing the full-blown stations, which will reach east to Judicial [Drive],” Martin said. “In fall we’ll launch the ultimate service. We are working with the university and MTS on how the service compliments [UCSD].” For more information, visit