Por el personal de SDCNN
In the wake of President Donald J. Trump’s election, his cabinet picks and his promises to roll back many existing rights and laws, a Women’s March on Washington was planned for Jan. 21, the day after his inauguration.
Similar marches popped up across the country and even the world as concerned citizens took to the streets to show solidarity with those marching in Washington, D.C.
The San Diego Women’s March was a well-organized event that started with a rally at the San Diego Civic Center Plaza, located at 1200 Third Ave., and a peaceful but passionate march that went south from the Plaza to Broadway, and then west to Harbor Drive, where it turned north and ended up at the Waterfront Park that bookends the San Diego County Administration Building.
Police estimated that 40,000 people showed up in San Diego — women marched along with their husbands, fathers and children, and the event drew people of all ethnicities and backgrounds — and there was not one arrest.
Though its original mission was to support equal rights of women, all the marches ended up expanding their scope to include the issues at hand.
With a heavy emphasis on women, marchers carried signs that addressed issues ranging from reproductive rights, LGBT rights, immigration rights, pay equity, concern about the demise of the Affordable Care Act, gun laws, water protection issues, and more.
Many signs also maligned the Trump administration or referenced many of the memes and popular phrases that arose out of the presidential campaign.