Clean Edge, a leading clean-tech research firm, has ranked San Diego the nation’s No. 3 city om activities that center on nonpolluting technologies, from electric vehicle and renewables adoption to patent and investment activity. The survey also ranked California the top state in clean-tech activities.
San Diego ranks No. 2 in clean electricity and carbon management, fourth in advanced transportation and No. 6 in the categories of green buildings and clean-tech investment, innovation and work force.
Los Angeles ranked No. 7 on the overall list. Clean Edge, founded in 2000, is headquartered in Portland, Ore. and Oakland, Calif. and has tracked reports on so-called clean technologies, such as solar and wind, for 12 years. California leads the nation in clean tech for the fifth consecutive year, with Massachusetts and Oregon repeating their No. 2 and 3 rankings from the 2013 state index.
“Climate disruption and the growing availability of market-competitive clean-energy technologies are driving many states and cities to tackle climate issues head-on,” said Clean Edge founder and managing director Ron Pernick. “More than ever, this year’s leadership index highlights how some top regions are taking climate action seriously.”