Por Johnny McDonald
It’s 12 miles long and often filled with all sorts of ships, sailboats and excursion tours but for those fishermen who cast lines from a boat, pier and shore, San Diego Bay has been a winter wonderland.
“The five-to-six-foot tides, warm water [63 degrees] and beautiful weather have all contributed to big catches,” said Capt. Alan Clowers, a licensed Bay fishing guide and authority. “Normally, the best time is in the summer months.”
Clowers is kept busy with his two boats, a 25 foot Chris Craft and a 20-footer he uses for the lakes. He charters half-day trips on the bay and over to the Coronado Islands for yellowtail. The variety of fish covers most everything that come from the sea.
“Some species go in and out of the bay but there is a great migration like sand bass and halibut,” he said. “Pilings are the best locations to catch lobsters. Good lobster fishing is around Seaport Village and all the way to the mouth of the bay.”
The most popular spot for fishing is the Shelter Island Pier, Clowers said, where on a busy day anglers will be standing shoulder to shoulder. Other piers are at the Coronado Ferry Landing, Embarcadero Park and near the Convention Center.
He indicated that all the usual bay species can be caught at the Shelter Island pier, which includes sand bass, spotted bay bass, calico bass, halibut, leopard sharks, bat rays, barracuda, bonito, croaker, mackerel and shovelnose guitarfish.
The unusual catches at the pier have included angel and thresher sharks, several large butterfly rays, a rare banded guitarfish, queen fish and a white croaker.
“During the winter and spring months, black perch and Opaleye will inhabit the area under the pier,” he added. “The shallow, grassy flats of the South Bay and below the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge are ideal for catching spotted bay bass.”
Clowers became a guide five years ago after also obtaining his credentials at a maritime school to be a skipper. He’s qualified to handle ships of 100 tons. He speaks at corporate luncheons, has instructional classes and gives reports on radio 1090 Sunday mornings. He has a client list of over 460 and last year made 196 trips on his two boats alone, working 16 days straight at one point.
“I really enjoy taking people fishing, and I get to do it a lot as a guide and charter captain.” Clowers concluded. “I love helping people new to the sport and especially with kids. Whether it be fresh water, on the bay or in the ocean, there’s nothing better than seeing a guy or girl catch their first or biggest fish.
“And, to me, there’s nothing better than getting kids hooked on fishing.”
To learn more about Capt. Clowers and his charters, visit captainclowers.com.
—Johnny McDonald can be reached at [email protected].