por Sue Hotz
Renovation update
It isn’t quite soup yet! While the San Carlos Branch is open once again, an unexpected gas line found by workers created delays for the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) renovation project. Now our fingers and toes are crossed for an end-of-May completion date. Hopefully, you will find the upgrades, including new restrooms and a 24-hour book drop, worth the wait and inconvenience. We thank you for your continued patience.
The front step banisters have now been replaced at the south/east main entrance, which is again open for your use in addition to the north/east temporary ramp entrance. At this time, we hope to have our next used book sale on June 6 — our website will keep you updated.
Unfortunately, due to the ongoing construction, the San Carlos Garden Club has canceled “A Show in Living Color,” which had been scheduled for May 22-23.
OASIS and author/speaker programs are back and previously canceled ones are being rescheduled for later in the year.
Congratulations to Green Elementary School’s fourth grader Logan McKerring, a student in Mrs. Louise Volpe’s class. Logan was named one of four fourth-grade grand prize winners in this year’s citywide, 18th annual “Writing for Literacy” library essay contest, started by our own Jack Winer. Logan wrote in his essay that “The Book Thief” was the book he would save if all others were to be destroyed. Logan’s prizes included a monetary award and a laptop computer donated by Computers 2 San Diego Kids. We are all so proud of you, Logan!
En memoria: With sadness and fond memories we announce the March 26 passing of Orlie Baird, a volunteer extraordinaire and past member of the San Carlos Friends of the Library board.

Born in Minnesota on August 16, 1924, Orlie served with distinction for 34 years in the U.S. Navy, enlisting in March 1943 and receiving his commission in 1949. He earned bachelor’s degrees in physics and international affairs as well as a Master of Business Administration degree. After retiring from a second career with Logicon, Orlie volunteered with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, the San Carlos Friends of the Library and his church. We will miss his gentle voice and endearing smile, and send our condolences to his wife, Gay, the rest of his family and his many friends.
The SCFOL & Library Volunteer Appreciation Pizza Party will be held May 20 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. If you have been an active SCFOL or San Carlos Branch Library volunteer this past year, you are invited to join us for fun, pizza and awards in the Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery. Together, you donated 8,799 volunteer hours in 2014. A special recognition in memory of Orlie Baird is also planned.
Programas para adultos
On June 11 at 12:30 p.m., the Librarian’s Book Club is reading “Wives of Los Alamos” by Tara Shea Nesbit.
Self-defense classes with Mario are scheduled for May 21 and June 18 at 10:30 a.m.

In the San Carlos Branch’s Winer Community Room and Art Gallery, from May 5 through June 4, the art of Maria Louisa Dominguez, Hazel Ross, Loretta Deczynski, Barbara Stewart and Sam Lee will be on display. Their reception is May 23 from noon to 2 p.m.
Starting June 9, paintings by students from Barbara Peterson’s Adult Art Class will be on display.
OASIS programs
On May 29 at 1 p.m., Dr. Dave Roberts presents, “Balboa Park: Gem of San Diego.”
On June 19 at 1 p.m., Mark Carlson tells the story of the “Statue of Liberty—the Light by the Golden Door.”
programas juveniles
Learn about “The Science of Fairy Tales” with the STEAM2 Academy on May 26 at 3 p.m.
Sign up online for the Summer Reading Program (SRP) to win prizes. This year’s theme, “Read to the Rhythm,” runs from June 15 to Aug. 15. Special events are scheduled for every Wednesday at 2 p.m. The first one on June 17 features high energy music, “Twinkle Time.” Details can be found at www.sancarlosfriendsofthelibrary.org.
Miscellaneous notes
Please note that on Memorial Day, May 25, all libraries are closed.
SCFOL sponsors all of the listed programs, and our income will be down this year due to the cancellation of our used book sales during the renovation project. Now is a good time to join SCFOL or donate via the website or pick up an envelope at the library.
—Sue Hotz is a board member and publicity chair of the San Carlos Friends of the Library.