por Sue Hotz
Hard at work
During the last six months, fifty-eight San Carlos Friends of the Library (SCFOL) volunteers donated 2,459 hours. Their efforts and your support allowed SCFOL — from an income of $34,547 — to donate $34,234 to our branch this fiscal year: $8,734 directly and $25,500 through the city’s matching fund programs that allow us to double your donation dollars. Over 90 percent of SCFOL’s annual income remains with our branch.
We desperately need additional volunteers with strong backs from 3 to 5 p.m. to help put away unsold books after book sales on the first Saturday of the month. Our next sale is Sept. 5. Please leave your name and phone number at the library if you can help.
New San Carlos branch update
The branch’s 40th anniversary year rekindled within the community the burning question, “When will our new branch library be built?” A group of committed citizens has met for the last four months to research the answer to that question. Committee Members include April Boling (CPA), Rita Glick (managing librarian), Jerry Hotz (SCFOL treasurer), Sue Hotz (SCFOL board and publicity chair), Michael Lugo (retired architect), Judy McCarty (past SCFOL president and former District 7 councilmember), Ann McDonald (past president of SCFOL and Friends of the San Diego Public Library), Katherine Nakamura (member of the San Diego Library Commission and former member of the San Diego Unified school board), Judy Williams (current SCFOL president), Jay Wilson (executive director of Mission Trails Regional Park and member of Navajo Community Planners), Michael Winer (representing the family of Jack Winer, former president of both SCFOL and Friends of the San Diego Public Library) and Mickey Zeichick (immediate past president of San Carlos Area Council).
Our July meeting included several updates on various aspects of the project. Representatives from the state Department of Environmental Health provided information on the ongoing environmental mitigation at the empty lot at Jackson and Golfcrest. Katherine Nakamura and Kaby David Pfeifer, principal architect with Domusstudio, spoke about the design of the new branch. Cynthia Mainhardt, project officer with the city of San Diego, discussed contracts. Misty Jones, director of the city’s library system, spoke about project support. City Councilmember Scott Sherman gave an update on the availability of city financing. See more details from the meeting at new.sancarlosfriendsofthelibrary.org/category/latest-update.
The final design and construction start date will determine the final cost and financing needs. Current estimates run around $20 million. Contact any of the committee members if you would like to donate to the building fund for our new branch library. We promise to keep the community updated as progress continues toward reaching its long awaited goal.
Art in the library
Cynthia Robertson’s photographs are on display and available for purchase through Sept. 3 in the Winer Community Room & Art Gallery.
From Sept. 8 to Oct. 1, Jody Miles will be our featured artist. A retired interior designer, Miles paints in oils and designs jewelry, which will be displayed and available for purchase at her Sept. 19 artist reception from noon to 2 p.m. Artists donate a portion of their sales to SCFOL.

The summer reading program is now over, so check with the librarians to receive your prizes.
This fall, continue your pleasure reading by joining the librarian’s book club. On Sept. 10 at 12:30 p.m. they will be discussing “Shadow of the Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zafron. Extra copies are available at the library.
Our OASIS speaker on Sept. 18 at 1 p.m. is Kira Anthofer, who will instruct you on recording your life’s journey.
On Aug. 28 at 2 p.m., bestselling local author Caitlin Rother — who wrote “Crime Doesn’t Pay,” “I’ll Take Care of You” and “Naked Addiction” — will tell us about the notorious, local and true murder stories behind two of her books. She will also discuss her novel of sex, drugs and murder set in La Jolla and Pacific Beach.
programas juveniles
Youth services librarian Erin Moore has lined up a great new list of free fall programs for our youth.
Tuesdays at 4 p.m. is Yoga and Stories for children ages 3 through 8.
On early release Wednesdays (first, third and fifth Wednesday of every month), kids in kindergarten through fourth grade can enjoy our after-school special at 2 p.m. with stories, science and crafts.
On the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 2 p.m., STEAM2 will present hands-on programs covering a variety of science, technology, engineering, art and music subjects. In September, they will be discussing food science.
A process art class is open to children ages 3 through 8 on Thursdays at 4 p.m. Ms. Megan helps kids experiment with various art supplies and media.
Preschool story time, songs and crafts are every Friday at 10 a.m.

Our monthly free special event for kids of all ages will be Literature Comes to Life’s presentation of “Red Riding Hood” on Saturday, Sept. 26 at 1 p.m.
Just for fun adult programs
The old time coffee klatch is alive on Mondays from 1 to 5 p.m. in our klatch — aka chat room — when the Crafting Circle meets. Share patterns, designs and stories with old friends or make new ones. Come and go as your schedule permits.
Sept. 17 at 10:30 a.m. will be our final self-defense class, but Tai Chi continues on Mondays at 9:30 a.m. Chair yoga, stretch and tone, and meditation classes all continue through September. All program details can be found at new.sancarlosfriendsofthelibrary.org.
—Sue Hotz is publicity chair on the board of the San Carlos Friends of the Library.