Por Mickey Zeichick
Our next San Carlos Area Council (SCAC) meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 6 at 6 p.m. at the San Carlos Branch Library, 7265 Jackson Drive. Our meetings are open to the public. Our guest speaker will be from the District Attorney’s office and will talk to us about elder abuse.
The meeting in July was focused on presentations from the governmental agencies who grace our bi-monthly (odd months) meetings but are only given a few minutes to share with us what their office is doing. During July’s meeting, each office could delve into the issues they face and the ideals and visions they have for the future.
The meeting was well attended and the questions from the attendees was well thought out and enlightening. Our two hours were filled with information and passion for what and why they do what they do. Thank you to all!
July 4th Fireworks and MusicFest
If you were out of town and did not get to see or experience the Lake Murray fireworks or spend time at the park, well you missed a first-class event right here in our own backyard! Sincere thank you goes to Tracy Dahlkamp and the entire committee composed of Dan Northcutt, Don Brennan, Jay Wilson, Terry Cords, FTS Property Management Co., and many others who donated time and/or money. (If I missed your name, I am sorry but it really was a tremendous collaborative effort.)
I estimate that over 7,000 people purposely went to see these fireworks and/or be at the park. The fireworks could be enjoyed by the surrounding hills, backyards, and streets and I have never seen so many lights coming down from Cowles Mountain — it was amazing.
Keep the donations coming for the 2018 Lake Murray Fireworks and MusicFest. SCAC is a proud supporter. You can participate by making a financial donation to this 501(c)(3) organization, please make your check payable to “Lake Murray Fireworks” and send it to:
Fuegos artificiales del lago Murray C/O SCAC
Atención: Tracy Dahlkamp
apartado de correos 19246
San Diego, CA 92159.
My husband reminds me to thank the Lake Murray Kiwanis Club, SCAC folks, and Grantville-Allied Gardens Kiwanis Club for year after year putting out the flags along Lake Murray Boulevard, Navajo Road, and Waring Road. We truly have much pride and rich traditions and have for decades. Wave if you see them!
Stop sign
At the July 12 meeting of the Navajo Community Planners, after hearing no opposition from the residents around Tommy Drive and Renown Drive, a planned stop sign was approved to be installed there. The date for installation has yet to be determined.
Fire season is here!
We have had a host of fires in our hills and mountain areas already. Please stay on the paved roads but if you must leave them, make sure you are on a cleared roadway, and preferably one covered with rocks, and do not park your car near any brush. Fire touches all of us not only with loss of treasures and inferior quality to our air, but also the tragic loss of life.
Keep an active mind
I recently read in the AARP Bulletin about a promising new research that suggests “electrical brain stimulation-via an implanted ‘pacemaker’ in the brain may be a way to improve memory in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.” I am not in the medical field but this makes sense to me – to at least explore.
What also make sense is to keep our minds active. You can do this by attending informational meetings, asking questions, playing games, working on puzzles, listening to music and laughing. Our library has a wonderful array of events you can attend — explore our library!
—Mickey Zeichick is president of the San Carlos Area Council. Contact her at [email protected] to be added to The Interested Persons list. SCAC encourages residents to join “Nextdoor.com” for what is happening in your neighborhood during the day and week.