Por Mickey Zeichick
Our next San Carlos Area Council (SCAC) meeting will be Wednesday, March 1, 2017, at 6 p.m. in our branch library at 7265 Jackson Drive. Our meetings are open to the public. Speaker to be announced.
Our speakers at the Jan. 4 meeting were Toni Noel, a top literary author and one who knows a lot about our San Carlos area, and Dennis Brown from RSVP.
Noel is preparing a valuable collage of pictures and articles regarding the history of San Carlos. SCAC will be contributing to this endeavor.
Brown spoke to us regarding the many hats that an RSVP volunteer wears. They can be a great sense of comfort to drive by your home intermittently when you are away to help ensure it is safe when you return. RSVP is looking for volunteers, call me and I will help facilitate your request.
An excellent presentation was made by the architect of the proposed new San Carlos Branch Library at the last meeting of the Navajo Community Planners, Inc. Progress is being made, the plans are coming together, but still no date when the city can purchase the property as it depends on the environmental clearance — hopefully, this year.
Meanwhile, our existing branch library has many exciting programs every day. In December, the front window display had a very informative display of various religious holidays during the November and December months. I learned quite a bit and enjoyed the display.
Orchard Hardware and Supply has opened and wants to engrain themselves into the neighborhood. They are eager to help with our new branch library and the July 4th Fireworks and MusicFest celebration.
If you wish to make a financial donation to this 501(c)(3) organization, please make your check payable to “Lake Murray Fireworks” and send it to:
Lake Murray Fireworks
Atención: Tracy Dahlkamp
apartado de correos 19246
San Diego, CA 92159
If you exercise at the LA Fitness center on Navajo Road, and are enrolled in the Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage Plus, Kaiser will pay for your membership under the “Silver and Fit” program.
I asked when the pool will reopen and while they do not have an answer, they did say they won the arbitration and the strip-mall owner needs to provide a working indoor pool.
I still have no clue on what is going on with the former Blockbuster building at the corner of Navajo Road and Lake Murray Boulevard (next to McDonalds).
January 2016, I made a New Year’s resolution for us to become even closer to our siblings. I would email, text, chat, or visit with them more often, and to do this while we are all in relatively good health.
I chatted with my oldest sister every morning on Facebook Messenger. We chatted about our respective plans for the day.
In December, on our way out of town, we stopped for a short visit. While on vacation, I came down with bronchitis — but my sister got pneumonia.
Within a week, she was in the hospital and 10 days later passed away. We visited with her three times when she was in the hospital and had some laughs.
So, I say to each of you, keep your friends and family close; never take for granted that there will always be another tomorrow. The phrase, “work less and smell more roses” is doubly enforced.
New Year’s Day, we hosted a Pajama Brunch for some of our friends. Everyone was encouraged to bring a set of “new” pajamas which would be donated to the County of San Diego Foster Youth program.
I am delighted to say many people did not bring one set of PJs but brought more. The PJs have been donated and all brunch attendees thought this was a clever and worthwhile thing to do.
It doesn’t take a lot of imagination or work to do something good for others — but it makes us feel very good when we do!
—Mickey Zeichick is president of the San Carlos Area Council. For questions or to be added to the Interested Persons List, reach her at [email protected].