Por John F. Pilch
The next meeting of the San Carlos Area Council (SCAC) is scheduled for Wednesday, March 2, at 6 p.m. in the Winer Family Community Room at the San Carlos Branch Library, 7265 Jackson Drive.
We spoke with our guest speaker and he agreed to address the SCAC on March 6. His identity will be revealed at the meeting, at the speaker’s request. Hint: The speaker is quite familiar with one of the three jewels in San Carlos. Please plan to attend. We think you’ll agree it will be educational and time well-spent. We will also have reports from the San Diego Police Department and Fire-Rescue as well as representatives of elected officials.
We welcome our new library manager, David Ege, who comes to us from the Serra Mesa branch, where he was the branch manager. If you visit the library, please take the time to welcome him to our neighborhood.
The Navajo Community Planners, Inc. (NCPI) board met Feb. 10 and unanimously (14-0) opposed the Verizon Wireless “architectural element” on the roof of the Masonic Lodge building. This would be the fourth site on that property, which has turned into an antenna farm for the carriers. Nearby residents are opposed to this site and voiced their opinion at this meeting and prevailed. The Masonic Lodge property owners were chided for the poor maintenance of the landscaping that was installed as part of the approval of the AT&T architectural element on the roof several years ago. Congratulations to the residents, who spoke in opposition, and a thanks to the NCPI board for their recommendation to oppose the application. More information and NCPI agendas are available online at navajoplanners.org.
We will continue to work the District 7 office to determine what can be done to make the intersection of Navajo Road. and Golfcrest safer for pedestrians. This follows a fatality in August, when a drunk driver ran a red light and struck and killed a female pedestrian, who was headed to the Cowles Mountain trail. A traffic study is continuing and more information will be reported as it’s made known to us. In the interim, please be extra careful in this area. We’ll await the results of the traffic study before making specific recommendations.
We pleased to report that the San Carlos Community Garden continues to flourish, in spite of the recent heat. If you’re interested in raising your own plot of fruits and vegetables in this garden, please visit their website at sancarloscommunitygarden.com for details. The community garden is located at the corner of Lake Adlon and Boulder Lake Avenue, adjacent to Springall Academy, 6440 Boulder Lake Drive.
We have resumed the collection of dues, to become more actively involved in community events and activities. Dues are $7 per household and $15 for a business. We’d like previous members to return and are soliciting new members in this article. Please send your check to SCAC, P.O. Box 19246, San Diego, CA 92159-0246. Many thanks to those who have already sent in their checks.
For information about speakers, meeting reminders and agendas and other local news; if you have an issue you wish us to consider; or just have a question about the community, please contact me at 619-462-1408 or by e-mail at jfpilch@hotmail.com. Gracias.
––John F. Pilch is president of the San Carlos Area Council. Reach him at jfpilch@hotmail.com.