New happenings are taking place at the Riford Center, 6811 La Jolla Blvd. Construction began last month on a new kitchen for cooking classes and demonstrations, as well as a new Great Room where activities from fitness classes to weddings will take place. The new ceiling, lighting and painting are finished; the entire center should be completed by the end of the summer. Richard and Kaye Woltman gave a monetary gift in memory of Kaye’s mother, Dorothy Reasner, who also was a friend of the late Florence Riford, the original benefactor. The Woltmans are active members as well as former presidents of the Rotary Club of La Jolla, which has been leading a drive to improve the facilities of the building on the corner of La Jolla Boulevard and Bonair Street. “We are refreshing the appearance of the building in the style of a beach house and adapting it to new activities for today’s age 50-plus residents,” announced Jim Walker, the board chairman. Riford, a local benefactress, originally established the Center more than 40 years ago “for the welfare and happiness of persons over the age of 50 for social, recreational, and cultural pursuits.” Margaret Dean of Design Studio West, who has won numerous San Diego awards as well as taught courses in kitchen and bathroom renovation, designed the large kitchen area. Other services have been contributed by Coleen Choisser, interior designer with Anna Rode Designs, as well as architect Mark Morris of Oasis Architecture and Design. Many activities are available at the Center, such as book and investment clubs, language classes and conversation groups, fitness lessons, computer workshops and other special and scheduled events. For information contact director Sarah Peters, (858) 459-0831. — Mera Kelley of La Jolla is a gerontologist, www.adventureous aging.com.