In response to the guest commentary in the Nov. 4 edition (“PLHS neighbors should be more open to the ‘stadium experience,’” Peninsula Beacon, page 6), about how Point Loma High School neighbors should be more open to the “stadium experience,” I am one of those neighbors. I am also an alumna (1973) and my two daughters attend PLHS now. I live in the house my parents built in 1950, around the corner from the stadium entrance to the school. My mother was an alumna (1942) and I am one of seven children who all attended PLHS. I am not totally against improving the stadium at Point Loma High, but I believe there are compromises needed. The problem is the location in the middle of a residential neighborhood. There isn’t adequate parking and the stadium entrance is not located next to a parking lot. I have attended the last four Homecoming games and have enjoyed the experience. In fact, I’m pictured with the alumni on the front page of the Nov. 4 Peninsula Beacon. I do believe that more stadium seating and parking is needed. I do support the school but I also want a peaceful, safe neighborhood. I think we should compromise; stadium lights [are used] once a year on Homecoming. The streets are narrow and dark at night. Night games create a traffic hazard, noise and trash problems. On the weekends, we’ve had problems with an increased use by out-of-state leagues renting the stadium, creating parking, trash and loudspeaker noise problems, and the school has worked with the neighbors to resolve this. For 85 years, students, parents and alumni have had the “stadium experience” without night lights and night games. When I attended Point Loma High, the Homecoming game was in the afternoon after school and the dance was in the evening. We had a lot of fun back then, and I think it could still work out today. It’s only been in the last few years that Point Loma High has rented night lights for the Homecoming game. I am lucky to live in Loma Portal. I do enjoy hearing crowds cheering and bands playing for local teams. Night games are not necessary to complete the experience.