As we go through an unprecedented challenge in our country, it is important to focus on the things we all can do to weather this crisis.
President Trump has been doing a fantastic job and has shown the nation and the world that he is an organized leader and a big-league problem solver. He understands the many parts of our economy and healthcare system and knows the steps necessary to get us through this COVID-19 pandemic. He is definitely the leader we want in charge now — and when the economy is ready to fire up again. He got the country on the right track after inheriting the floundering economy of the Obama administration and he can do it again. Let’s all work to get President Trump re-elected in November and give him a Republican majority in the House.
While we are following the guidelines and are isolated from one another and the public in general, there are things that we can do to help elect Republicans. Candidates always need volunteers to make phone calls to registered Republicans. It can be done on your own phone from your home. It is easy, rewarding, and effective. A large Republican voter turnout is essential to reach our goals.
Because of COVID-19 and social distancing, we were not able to host our April event which was scheduled for April 14 at the Carlton Oaks Country Club. We hope to reschedule this evening event in July, but we will update as time unfolds. We look forward to resuming our regular lunch meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at the La Mesa Brigantine, but for now those meetings are on hold.
Today, health is the main concern. Please follow all the CDC guidelines and stay healthy. During this period of social isolation, it is vitally important to help each other. COVID-19 is most often transmitted by touch so today we face the challenge of finding new ways to reach out and “touch” – a smile, an act of courtesy, an offer of generosity. Kindness and respect are always important, but now more than ever.
For more information on our activities, volunteer opportunities or joining Republican Women of California, please visit our website at rwcNavajo-Canyon.org and check us out on Facebook at Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon. For other questions, please call Marjie at 619-990-2791.
— Pat Boerner writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California — Navajo Canyon.