San Diego is leading the way in safely reopening, offering the blueprint for the rest of the state and country. The rallying stock market suggests optimism that the economy is reopening and people are getting back to work and the worst of the economic downturn may be behind us. While other places remain largely shut down, San Diegans have taken the appropriate steps to balance public health concerns and other serious implications. Former congressman and current CA-50 candidate Darrell Issa is working closely with Governor Newsom and pressing to assure that the best interests of San Diegans and our local communities are top priority.
We are all united in our condemnation of racism and support of our communities in this tumultuous time. We are proud that our elected officials and leaders are working closely with each other to guide us through these challenging days, weeks and months.
Violence does nothing to further the cause for reform, it only damages our local businesses both in spirit and in a very material way. Businesses that have served us well in the past and we counted on have been damaged or destroyed. Peaceful demonstrations have been hijacked by those with nothing but destruction on their agenda.
The need for justice and unity are clear, but committing crimes and inciting violence is a despicable way to address these problems. Many local businesses have suffered huge financial hardship from the shut down, and many have physical damage caused by the rioters and looters. Being united in an effort to restore peace and respect for all is the best goal we can set for ourselves at this time. Support our local businesses and help them get back on their feet.
Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon is continuing to grow in membership which reaffirms the Republican enthusiasm. When we get back in regular session, we will be stronger than before and ready to go to work to educate voters and help elect Republicans in November.
For now, we have been sharing and enjoying stories from our members of what they have been doing during their “sheltering in place” time. With a little practice, we learned to conduct our board meetings via conference call, and had a very successful ZOOM general meeting. When some of us were forced update our technology skills, we came through like champs!
Liz Wheeler, host of “Tipping Point with Liz Wheeler” on One America News, is the featured speaker for our tentatively scheduled meeting July 10 from 5 to 8 p.m. The meeting will be held at Carlton Oaks Country Club in Santee. The cost is $30 which includes a gourmet burger bar dinner.
We had this event previously scheduled for last April, and for obvious reasons that was cancelled. We are hopeful this meeting will be feasible in July, but we will have to wait and see.
Please call Marjie at 619-990-2791 as we get closer to the date for the latest information and to make reservations. Until then, please visit our website at rwcNavajo-Canyon.org and see our activity on Facebook at Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon. We look forward to resuming our regular monthly meetings and always welcome new members.
— Pat Boerner writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon.