Hooray! The Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon are back to in person meetings.
We are excited to announce that our next meeting will be April 6 at the Legacy Hotel. Our keynote speaker will be retired homicide detective Richard Carlson. Rick will be speaking to us about defunding the police and its implications, as well as other issues facing law enforcement and gun safety.
Gun safety is an issue that many women are interested in learning more about. Especially, in today’s age of attacks on police, hampering their ability to do their jobs.
The #NotMeSDMovement is San Diego County Gun Owner’s initiative to stop sexual assault and domestic violence. SDCGO is focusing on women specifically, as women are more commonly victims. Adding firearms protection for women is extremely important.
Without police, what are we women supposed to do to protect ourselves? In San Diego, on average, three women are raped every day. That is a shocking number!
Women can empower themselves, protect themselves and feel safer in their own homes and communities. Knowledge is power, grab a friend and gain confidence.
SDCGO provides assistance to any woman who owns a gun or would like to own a firearm, is seeking training or would like to apply for a conceal carry weapons permit (CCW). Our speaker Rick Carlson is dedicated to safety and is a fountain of information that he is always happy to share.
— Laura Crivelo escribe en nombre de las Mujeres Republicanas de California – Navajo Canyon.