Navajo Canyon members and guests were thrilled to attend the November meeting at the Legacy Resort Hotel in Mission Valley. We learned that with proper precautions, our ladies were eager to get together and catch up on all the political frontline happenings.
To say that this election cycle has been a roller coaster ride is clearly an understatement. Locally, Republicans have a lot of statewide victories to celebrate both in elected officials and propositions which passed or failed, but will the presidential election end up in the Supreme Court?
Voters have been made aware of the vulnerability of our voting system and should be demanding transparency and tighter controls in future elections. Perhaps we will even require voters to present identification. They do in Canada with no terrible repercussions, so what is preventing that requirement in the United States? Is there any legitimate argument against only legally registered voters casting a ballot?
President Trump led the team that has given us the COVID-19 vaccine. We are so fortunate that the research and development was done in record time and now the delivery of the effective vaccine is right around the corner.
We look forward to Governor Newsom lifting the restrictions and allowing our state’s economy to recover and our students return to school. Our local entrepreneurs are struggling and many have been financially devastated past the point of recovery. During this holiday season, let’s support our San Diego business’s and help them launch into a profitable and successful 2021.
Navajo Canyon’s next monthly meeting will be Tuesday Jan. 12. The logistics will be determined by San Diego County’s Risk Status Tier at that time. If necessary, we will have a ZOOM meeting but our first choice is to return the Legacy Resort Hotel in Mission Valley for a lunch meeting. Please look for updates and details on rwcNavajoCanyon.org and Facebook at Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon.
We are proud that Navajo’s membership is growing and we know 2021 will be a year filled with exciting speakers and advancing ways to build our party and communicate our conservative values. We are still WOMEN FOR TRUMP!
If you are looking for other sources of information please consider the iheartradio app for news and editorial podcasts which aren’t biased with a liberal slant. You can listen to Rush Limbaugh, Rudy Giuliani, Ted Cruz, Mark Levin and Candace Owens as well as many others on your phone or computer.
Although Republicans are disappointed that President Trump did not win with a landslide victory and continue his common-sense leadership for a second term, we must remain optimistic for the future, knowing the challenges ahead. One of the greatest examples of persistence is Abraham Lincoln. If you want to learn about someone who didn’t quit, look no further.
Born into poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life. He lost 18 elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown. He could have quit many times, but he did not. Because of his tenacity and dedication to our country he became one of the greatest presidents in our history. An inspiration for us all.
— Pat Boerner escribe en nombre de las Mujeres Republicanas de California–Navajo Canyon.