Excitement is brewing for the November election, but even before that we are focused on the March 3 California primary. We are thrilled to see so many qualified candidates competing to serve as Republican representatives.
Meanwhile, the November election is growing ever closer and deserves our attention and our volunteer efforts. This is the time to not just talk about how much we want a Republican majority, but to get out and work to make it happen. There are endless opportunities to volunteer such as walking your precinct, registering voters, making phone calls, or helping with mailers. Please check our website, RWCNavajo-Canyon.org, and follow us on Facebook to learn more about the plans we are making for January.
We believe that a Republican Candidate Forum is the perfect way to hear each candidate speak and convince us they deserve our vote and support. The details are coming soon so please check and mark your calendar for upcoming events.
At our regular November meeting, members and guests were delighted to hear a bit of political humor from well-known comedian Eric Golub. It was a wonderful change of pace from our usual seriousness and as we all know, laughter is food for the spirit. He also reminded us that President Trump is keeping his promises and that we owe him a conservative majority in Washington and throughout the country. It is truly amazing what he has accomplished, but he can’t always reach his goals because of the extremely partisan atmosphere in Congress. Let’s volunteer and work together to elect Republicans that we can count on to support the president’s policies and get legislation passed.
Tony Krvaric, San Diego County Republican Party chairman, will be our speaker at the Feb. 10 meeting at the La Mesa Brigantine. Check-in begins at 10:30 a.m. for the 11 a.m. meeting. Cost is S25 and a full-course lunch is served. Reservations are absolutely required. We usually have a waiting list days before the meeting and cannot accommodate everyone. Cash and checks are accepted, but no credit cards. Please make your reservation at [email protected]. You will receive a confirmation of your reservation. Any questions, please call Marjie at 619-99O-2797.
You won’t want to miss this opportunity to hear Krvaric’s thoughts on the upcoming election and insight into all that is happening in the political world. We guarantee you will leave the meeting more informed and inspired.
The 2020 election will have life-changing consequences. It sounds dramatic, but it is true. We must prevent our county from going down the road of historically unsuccessful socialism. Single-payer health care would be a disaster for our country. Do you really want the government making your health care decisions and rationing services? We need to focus on having immigrants enter our country legally and spend our tax dollars on those who actually contribute to our economy and pay income taxes. Please join us and take part in spirited discussions and common sense proposals. This is the time to fight for Republican principles of freedom and less intrusive government.
— Pat Boerner writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon.